Revival Update! 

April 2023 

“He has caused us to be born again to a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead” 

1 Peter 1:3

  It's hard to believe we are four months into 2023!! God has been so incredibly faithful this year. He has moved in power around the nation, and we've seen miracles, testimonies, and life transformations!! 

  Here is a small Re-Cap of this past month and what we are doing now in April! 


  • Hosting 

  After feeling a tug on our hearts to host local gatherings, around our travel schedule; we were divinely connected with the owners Moravian Coffee Roasters in Midlothian, Texas. It just so happens that they too feel a call to serve coffee by day and provide a place for the fire of God at night. When I told them our vision to host local revival gatherings and inquired about renting their space after business hours, the “Moravians” said my request was an answer to their prayers!! God is so good! An ordinary coffee shop visit turned into a God ordained connection! If you study revival history, you will find that the “O.G.” Moravians pioneered the First Great Awakening in our nation through a revival of prayer. I believe that the owners of Moravian Coffee are pioneering a prototype of kingdom business, and we are blessed to partner with them. 

  We’ve had two revival gatherings at this coffee shop venue and the miracles, testimonies, deliverances, and encounters with God’s presence have been astonishing. God will move in unconventional places when we give him space. 

  Our daughter Kathryn Evans visited us for our first gathering and led the night in worship. The presence of the Holy Spirit came in great power and he confirmed the gospel with many healings, and fresh baptisms of fire! 

  • Purchased First Music Equipment 

  As a ministry, we invested in our first set of music equipment (piano, speakers, sound board, microphones, and hardwiring). Some generous givers at the gathering took up an offering and donated towards the equipment. We are so thankful for their giving, as well as our monthly partners! We plan to use this equipment for future gatherings we will host. 

  Our second gathering in March included our dear brother in the lord, Torrey Marcel Harper. He led us in worship and great prophetic flow. To be honest, we did not even get through the first song of worship, as Jesus, the King of Glory, filled the entire space! At the end of the night a donor gave us the amount needed to pay off the sound equipment! God is faithful! 

  Many testimonies of healing, freedom, and God encounters have been reported from these March gatherings. 

April News 


  We are excited to announce our next revival glory gathering at Moravian Coffee will be this month on Friday April 28, at 7pm. 

Venue Address:1404 N 9th St,

Midlothian, TX 76065

  The entire California Will Be Saved (CAWBS) team, including our daughter, Kathryn Evans, will be joining us and leading worship at the April 28 event!! 

You do not want to miss this!

  Tommy and I are expectant for this gathering. Please help us spread the word by mouth and social media. Come and invite those who need an encounter with Jesus! 


  • April 1-3 Hope California Los Angeles, CA

  We are joined CAWBS, (ministry mentioned above) at the L. A. Colosseum, along with Hope California and Mando Matthews to see California revived! This gathering on April 2nd was one of ten stadiums rented along the state of California-in order to preach the gospel to his generation. We were honored to be a part. Madison, our 16 year old daughter was with us, and she was a part of a prayer slot for Gen Z, she led a powerful prayer time and prophesied over the generation at the Colosseum. She was also very excited to see her sister Kathryn. Thank you for sowing into the ministry, as it gave Madison an opportunity to activate her prophetic gift and travel with us. 

  • April 9- Celebrate Resurrection Sunday! 

  • April 12-16 HIM Conference-Pasadena, CA

  Tommy, our dear brother, Larry Sparks, and I will be attending and connecting with revival generals at the annual HIM conference under Apostle Che Ahn. Bill Johnson, Cindy Jacobs, Che Ahn, and others will be speaking to us and many about mobilizing for revival in this hour. Our hearts are open to receive more! I am on the plane to California now as I write this newsletter!

  • April 16 Revival Gathering HRock Church Pasadena, CA

  Tommy, Larry, Kathryn, and I have the honor to lead a revival gathering at HRock Church led by Che Ahn, in Pasadena, California. We are so blessed to be ministering alongside our daughter Kathryn again. 

  • April 28 7pm Revival Glory gathering at Moravian Coffee house in Midlothian , TX. 

  We will be using the outdoor patio stage and seating for more space, with the indoors for overflow. CAWBS team will be leading with us in dynamic worship and ministry. Please plan to come and bring friends! No childcare provided. All children attending must remain under parental supervision at all times. This is going to be an incredible night! 

  • Sid Roth It’s Supernatural Show 

  I recorded an exciting show featuring my new book 

Glory Miracles, with Sid Roth’s It’s Supernatural show last November 2022, and the show aired on April 10! You don’t want to miss this. The Glory of the Lord filled the studio during the interview and the cameras kept rolling as the Holy Spirit touched many an hour after the show! More details on the show will be announced on my Instagram (@miriam__evans). 

Follow us 

  You can follow us on Instagram to see more photos and live footage of our gatherings both local and abroad! If you or anyone would like to subscribe to our newsletter please do so at 

Social Media

@miriam_ _evans




  We know God has much more in store for 2023, and we are expectant to see His plan unfold in our lives. Revival Mandate International is a donation-supported ministry. We have a heart to host our own revival gatherings around the United States, in order to see our nation revived! We are seeing the beginnings of this dream by hosting at the coffee shop. We never charge an admission fee and don’t plan on charging for future revival gatherings. We also dream of traveling more as a family, and your giving will help us with their airfare and travel expenses. We believe in a family revival ministry, in order to sustain our legacy. Please also pray with us as we re believing for land and a tent to host revival and begin our revival training center.


  God has always provided what we need, and He uses the generosity of Believers across America to spread His Gospel to the world. If you would like to partner with us, please consider contributing below. A small donation can make a large impact. 

If you would like to purchase our recently released books; Glory Miracles and Decrees That Unlock Heaven’s Power, please do so on this website.

You can watch my (Miriam) latest show on Sid Roth’s It’s Supernatural below. I believe you will be blessed, healed, and empowered by the Holy Spirit.

In Revival,

Miriam, Tommy, and the Evans Children 

AuthorMiriam Evans